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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Williams Family: Transitions


I'm transitioning today from full time working gal to retired individual, not just summer vacation.  The plan to make this transition has been in the works for a while, several months.   Therefore, I have had a lot of time to process.  There have been some surprises along the way.

I was surprised by how comforting it felt to be replaced.  As soon as there was an announcement of who would be taking the position as our school principal, I felt pleased and relieved.  

I was surprised by parent reactions.  There were congratulations, cards, and one extremely touching email.  There were also social media posts calling me "useless" or was it "worthless" and the parent who said to me, "I'm so glad you aren't going to be here next year."  I kept the touching email and forwarded it to my personal email. 

I was surprised by our students and staff on the last day of school.  Yep, they got me. I was speechless and emotional as the signs appeared when it was time for the Pledge of Allegiance and circle of love and well wishes on the playground.  Do you hear that?  You got me!

I was surprised by how quiet I was in meetings and in general as the school year progressed.  I remember standing in a school office several years ago proclaiming about not being able to wait until the year I retired as I was going to tell it like it was.  One staff person inquired a bit puzzled, "How much are you holding back now?"  My response, "A lot!" which surprised them.  As the school year progressed, I grew quiet, and I was told by a superior, who has moved on from the district, that my questions at meetings were seen as "gotcha questions."  Interestingly, when I told that to a teacher colleague they said, "When you ask a question, I say to myself 'finally' because you are asking what the rest of us are thinking." 

I was surprised by how hard it has been to say good-bye to so many quality educators.  I know those folks will carry the torch!


  1. Happy retirement to you both and now you can move to your happy place. Have a great summer and enjoy every minute you have! Life is short so enjoy!

  2. Happy retirement! I enjoyed my years working with you! You’re the real deal! Thank you.
