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Opening Magic Kingdom

Friday, September 10, 2010

Then. . . and Now. . .

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so in the interest of word economy, here we go. . .

I discovered some photos of a trip to Adventureland in the summer of 2007, so three years ago. Either I’m not very creative photography wise, or the photo ops are limited, but here’s a comparison of the boy then. . . and now. . .

Then and now on the airplaines. . .

Then and now on the Chuck Wagon. . .

Then and now on the boats. . .

Then and now with his dad on the train. . .
I can say the boy has grown in every way over the last 3 years and we look forward to what he will be like in the future. A friend commented just the other day about how is becoming less “boy like” and had matured over the summer. We see it too, but maybe not quite as dramatically. But with these pictures, whew, it is evident.

I have already warned the husband that a small breakdown will occur when the boy goes off to college. He has started bracing himself. In the meantime, we plan to enjoy, maybe even savor, every minute, every adventure, every challenge, every bit of the growing up stages, including the “arguing eights” as we have dubbed them.

One of my loves is old movies and one of my favorites is “Auntie Mame.” I love the brave, independent, colorful, and boisterous character played by Rosalind Russell (you may recognize her voice in the old Charlotte’s Web movie as the goose). Anyway, one of my favorite lines from the Auntie Mame is “Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.” Here’s to life! ‘clink’

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