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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This. . .

Mama said there’d be days like this. . . as the song goes. Now, let’s substitute the word week for days and you can sum up why it has been several days since the last post. Add a full and busy work week along with running the sound board for a theater production that premiered Friday night, plus the boy’s birthday and a birthday party and. . . you get the idea.

The theater production---OCP’s production of The Sound of Music has had near capacity crowds for Friday and Saturday night performances and has one more show today. The cast, crew, and director have created a magical experience that transports the audience to the hills of Vienna. Interestingly, there have been audience members that were not familiar with the story at all. I hope they were able to understand the tension of a pre World War II Austria as well as the conflict of a nun falling in love with a widowed naval commander.

The boy’s birthday—well, he is now officially 8. His party was held at our local Heartland Humane animal shelter and the guests brought donations for the animals. I feel a separate post coming about the party.

Also, since his official day was prior to the party, we enjoyed a family dinner at 4:15 pm at a local pizza parlor. Taco pizza, singing, and an ice cream sundae with a candle were a part of the event.

A definition of stress is when your body isn’t in the same location as where your heart lives. I watch people struggle with this when they might be in one location—say work, but their heart is with a sick loved one. This week, I had a few of those moments. Knowing that there was great support at home helped (no one at home was sick—I was just missing them) and I was able to let my heart and body live at the theater while I was there. And, since I was very busy, I had to let go of some of the things I might normally do, some of which I enjoy very much, like posting on a blog.

Anyway, a new week is almost upon us and we have gained an hour due to turning the clocks back AND in a few days, our family will be transported to the most magical place on earth! Now there’s something to look forward to!

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