I must confess—we don’t spend a huge amount of time waiting in queues due to the Fastpass System. Knowing about the system and using it are incredible time savers—click here to read more. I am still amazed by the number of people who don’t understand the system and/or don’t use it. Anyway, Fastpass alone keeps us from waiting in most long lines.
If we do have to wait, in a long queue we pass the time by visiting with each other and neighboring families—Maelstrom in Norway would be a good example of this—because we didn’t get a Fastpass! We talk about the attraction we’re waiting for and build excitement. We talk about what we are going to do next. If the husband sites a kindred spirited pin trader near by, he strikes up a conversation about a pin trade. Our shirts have also started many conversations in queues—click here to read more. Everyone in the line has something in common—You’re at Disney! And, most people are there because they love it. I have learned so much from striking up conversations with people who may be waiting.
Disney has also done an incredible job theming the queues. They have become almost like attractions themselves. There have been numerous articles written about the best queues. Not the best attractions mind you, but the attractions with the best queues. Since there is such bountiful theming or interactive experiences in the queues, the time waiting flies by. There have been times I have wished for a bit of a line when I am speeding through a well-themed queue—the Nemo attraction in EPCOT for example.
Often we take pictures if we are waiting in a queue with many photo opportunities. Since photography is often prohibited during the attraction itself, and I get miffed when the person in front or beside me is taking photos when they have been told not to, it can be fun to capture the essence of the attraction with photos in the queue area. That’s a hint people, a big hint! And, the fellas are big hams when it comes to those photo ops.
One of the longest lines we have waited in more than once was the line for Jedi Training Academy—click here to read more. Since we know this is going to happen, the boy’s DS goes with none other than the Lego Star Wars game cartridge. Not only does the boy stay entertained, but typically, other children nearby are entertained, too. We have been greeted with “thanks” and “that’s a good idea” by other parents waiting, too.
If there is anyplace we wait regularly, it is at rope drop at the parks. Yep, we are the early arrivers. The husband used to make fun of our early morning touring schedule until one day at Hollywood Studios, he turned around to see the throng of people behind him. When there are more people behind you than in front of you, you’re in a good spot. Needless to say, there is full cooperation with our “be there by rope drop” touring plans. We keep ourselves entertained by watching and interacting with other guests. We have met people from all over the world. We usually explain Fastpass to at least one family a day—usually while waiting at the gates. We also interact with Cast Members—especially the husband as he is hoping for good pin trades. Cast Members are a valuable source of information and I have learned much from these early morning conversations.
We have seen, but not tried, using Disney trivia games to pass the time. With all the mobile devices and apps available, this might be another way to pass the time while waiting.
The best advice would be to just relax and enjoy. Waiting is part of the experience. Use Fastpass when you can and enjoy the rest. You never know what kind of magic might happen at the most magical place on earth!
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